Saturday, May 3, 2014

Psalms 103, the character of my God

He revealed his character to Moses and his deeds to the people of Israel. (Psalms 103:7)

                                                      He is a Provider
                                                         a Healer,
                                                                      a Redeemer,
                                                             a Savior,
                                          a Sustainer,
                         Patient (slow to anger),
                                 full of unfailing love,
                                          the depth of His love cannot be measured,
He is a Restorer who removed our Rebellious acts as far as the East is from the West,
                He is Understanding,
                                not constantly accusing,
                                            does not remain angry forever,
                                                                                  not punishing us for all our sin,
                                               does not deal with us as we deserve,
                                a Father,
               a Protector - his salvation extends to generations,

In this God I trust.  Read Psalms 103 here...

Hillsongs - Oceans

A random Q&A with my master... Holiness

YEAR 2018 Holiness -   I was on my knees one evening not knowing how to pray or what to pray for. This was because the year had been one o...