Divorce and Remarriage - A position paper by the General Presbetery of the Assemblies of God

While this blog is intended to be a testimony to the saving grace of Jesus Christ, at times I will be posting information that is relevant to a Christian in general. The below two paragraphs are a quote from the full text of a Position Paper published by the General Presbetery of the Assemblies of God Church. My personal belief is that a Christian should never entertain the thought of divorce, should never consider divorcing their spouse, for God hates divorce. Both spouses should work towards resolving their differences and continue in the marriage for the sake of their family.  But, what is a person to do if the other person walks out of the marriage? Below is a quote from the text to which a link is provided further down where you can access the complete position paper that outlines the Church's position on Divorce and Remarriage...
Jesus made explicit what was previously implicit, “Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate” (Matthew 19:6; cf. v.8). Divorce was not a part of God’s original intention for humanity. His purposes in marriage are hindered when the marital covenant is deliberately broken. The divine purpose can only be realized as the husband and wife subject themselves to Christ and each other, as described in Ephesians 5:21-31.
God’s hatred for divorce, however, is not to be interpreted as condemnation of those who themselves are not at fault, but have been divorced and victimized by the ungodly actions of their spouses. The divorce laws and teachings of the Old Testament were designed to add a measure of protection for the innocent, not to heap guilt upon the victims of circumstances over which they had little or no control.

A teaching video by the Casting Crowns for their video 

The Casting Crowns - it's a slow fade

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