Thursday, April 25, 2024

A random Q&A with my master... Holiness

YEAR 2018 Holiness - 

I was on my knees one evening not knowing how to pray or what to pray for. This was because the year had been one of the biggest challenge in my Christian walk. God commands his people to be holy for He said He is holy. And as I was on my knees I knew I had been failing.

As I was on my knees not knowing how to pray for holiness, God reminded what I’d been doing about my diabetes. How regimented I was becoming about monitoring it. And making the necessary adjustments in my diet to bring it in control or keep it in control.

This year I also had my physical and the results were not pretty. As a result I decided to take more control of my diet starting late October and started tracking my blood glucose level before and after every meal, to see the effect of what I ate each time. Based on the results I adjusted what I ate and drank. I also started researching about various diets that would help me control my diabetes, yet retain muscle. Through trial and error figure out that which works for me to get the results I desired. I did not want to take meds.

Holiness similarly is something that an individual has to continually check and see where they stand. If something is not right, make the right adjustments or corrections. Feed on God’s word regularly so that you know what’s right and what’s wrong. Be in communication with God, through prayer, so that your mind is in tune with Godly things. Keep at it - check yourself continually.  See where you are going off course. Adjust your thoughts and desires. Control your passions. God’s word says pray always so that it becomes second nature. And, you will be able as Christ to overcome the desires of the eye, the flesh and pride. Christ said since he’s overcome the world, we shall too. He’s a man of his word! So, help me God.

A random Q&A with my master... Holiness

YEAR 2018 Holiness -   I was on my knees one evening not knowing how to pray or what to pray for. This was because the year had been one o...